Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Miotti sends it into the stands

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Force just need to secure the scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Brilliant defense from the Force as they hold up Flook to win the scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Scrum called again

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Thomas breaks from the back after Reds being awarded a penalty advantage

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Scrum called

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Priors kick is charged down! Force get back but are caught holding on the 5m

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Can the Force close this out?

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
HATRICK for Olowofela! Force send it to Kahui. The Reds are a bit flat. Kahui, stabs a kick ahead, Olowofela sprints ahead of O Connor to score

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Miotti finds touch on the Reds 10m