Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto drive Utah back in goal, that's the game

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Big pressure on Utah as they cant get out their 22 area

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Short drop out and Utah win it back

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Its dotted int goal and Utah restart with a drop out

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
A messy scrum from both sides as the ball flies out the Utah side and but Toronto get there first and kick ahead

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Lineout for Utah is knocked on and Toronto get the scrum inside their half

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Reeves puts Jones into a gap after he straightened the line perfectly. Scores in the corner

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto up to the 22. Looking to finish the game off

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Moor puts in a great kick and it rolls to the Utah corner

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Big kick downfield from Malcolm as it finds touch on the Utah 10m