Manawatu break now and run the length of the field, now 10m out, but lost forward, scrum Northland, let off there for Northland!

Cross filed kick and received by Northland, amazing rugby being played here! Knock on, Manawatu scrum on half way

Restarted again by Manawatu 3 minutes to go to half time

Turned over and Northland attack again, grubber through and offloaded 5m out, and run over, great skills, try Northland!

Just 5 points in it now and the restart, well received by Northland but kicked back

Time back on, Northland attack from deep and now run the entire field length with offloads everywhere, great speed and skill from this Northland team!!

Time off for some injuries

Quick ball and still keeping possession but loses the ball forward, scrum Northland on their 22m

Manawatu attacking now and reach Northland 22m line