Manawatu have possession and kick down field deep and over try line and well chased to put pressure and receive the 5m scrum for carrying the ball over the line

Box kick by Northland and lost forward by Manawatu, scrum inside Manawatu half

Manawatu steal possession and kick down field again, out Northland line out inside their half

Manawatu running it but then kick deep, Northland attack but stopped well by Manawatu

Manawatu get off well and the restart by Northland is short and high

Restart by Manawatu and penalty for tackling player in air

Manawatu need to weather the storm now and emerge in this second half and attempt to get ahead just like they did in the beginning of the first half but this time to stay ahead. Northland just want to keep the momentum up and keep pressurizing Manawatu.

Northland kick the ball out and that's half time, great half of Mitre Cup rugby, can't wait for the second half!

Reset scrum

Scrum 5m out Northland looking to exit well here