Adam Lill
Aug 8
do you have neck mouldsy

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Drive but stolen and Manawatu kick the ball out, great finish to this exciting game! Manawatu emerge victorious with a better second half and Northland just beaten at the end. Superb game and such an exciting way to begin the Mitre Cup season in New Zealand!!

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Kicked out on 22m line, time is up but we play on

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Player leaving his feet and playing the ball

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty Northland on 10m line

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Exciting rugby as Northland need to score here

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Mauled up and then intercepted as Northland enter Manawatu 22

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Ball kicked out on half way line out Manawatu ball

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty Manawatu for playing person in the air

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Restart by Northland needing to get back quickly