A very workman-like second half from the cherry and whites proved the difference between the sides. Commiserations to the Falcons who had a strong first half but the strong revival from the away side proved too much for them in the end. Thank you for joining us, until next time, goodbye.

Good defence from Gloucester but the Falcons still have the ball! Newcastle cross the line but they are held up! FT!

Newcastle hammering at the Gloucester line with a number of pick and drives. The clock is red, desperate defence from Gloucester

James Fitzpatrick looked to be clear into the Gloucester 22. With support on both sides the Falcons thought the were about to rob this game at the death. But a massive covering hit dislodged the ball and saved the day for the cherry and whites.

Kvesic sells two deft dummies and charges into the Falcons 22. He looks up for support but all he could find was the hands of Catterick. Danger averted.

Major let off for Gloucester. A kick from Godman looked to heading for the corner but it just sneaked long and went dead.

Tom Catterick with a massive effort from inside his own half, unfortunately it falls short. 8 minutes left

Burns up very fast to charge down a Godman clearance kick. The ball bounces in goal but the dead ball line beats both sets of players to the ball for Falcons 22.

Kalamafoni and Simpson-Daniel combine well so launch an attack and break into the home 22. But the Falcons scramble well and bundle Evans into touch before he can get the offload away. 13mins left.

Jonny May rewards Nigel Davies' faith in him with a try, giving Gloucester the lead for the first time. Created by Simpson-Daniel and finished by his wing colleague.