DeeJay Huia-Roberts
Feb 2
well done boys see you next weekend in the H
Saul Fitzpatrick
Feb 2
Yes Chiefs !!!

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Thomas Owain Davies
Feb 2

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
The siren sounds and the ref calls an end to the game

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
The Chiefs rip the ball away from the Crusaders and are going to run the clock down here

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Less than a minute left and the Crusaders get the ball back off their own restart
Bruce Edwin Garland
Feb 2
Sam the man

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Smart move off the line out by the Chiefs who throw it short and the Chiefs get their rolling maul going very quickly and its the skipper at the back who comes up with the try
Phillip Paget
Feb 2
Cane the man