The ball gets knocked on in the contact.

The Saints kick to the corner looking for the win. Hill with a hard carry.

Ref is having TMO check another possible offence.

Powerful lines from the pack. The Saints go wide and end up winning the penalty for defence off their feet. Time is up so this is last play.

Northampton attacking on the opposition 22.

The Saints lose control of the ball again, Yard collects it and breaks down the wing but is dragged down and can't get the offload. Saints regain possession.
come on sale (wasps fan 😁🐝 🐝)

Saints attempt to maul but the defence is strong. The backs go wide but Groom loses control. The ball is booted deep and Mallinder gathers

Harry Mallinder kicks to the corner

The Saints set piece from the scrum go wide, Mallinder puts the grubber through but the Ref comes back for a penalty from the scrum