Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Penalty Chiefs and its again taken quickly but the ball is knocked on, that's the game

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
They take it quick but fail to gain metres

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Penalty Chiefs

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Chiefs plays from deep

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Fainga'anuku runs into space and plays in McLeod but he is brilliantly tackled and the ball is turned over

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Reece kicks the ball down field into the in goal line

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Burke kicks the ball through but the ball goes over the dead ball line, 22m drop kick from McKenzie is deep

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Crusaders forms a maul from the line out

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Reece puts in the grubber and Havili tries to gather but play is taken back for a penalty to Crusaders

Ultimate Rugby
Mar 3
Jacobson knocks the ball and the ball is turned over by Crusaders, scrum Crusaders