Law discussion: Who is to blame?
- 597
There was anger in South Africa at three decisions by George Clancy, the Irish referee who refereed the match in Perth between Australia and South Africa.
But then there is often anger in South Africa - and not only South Africa - when a team loses.
After all this, SA, is the land of Piet van Zyl.
Then there was the referee who was beaten up in a club carpark and ended up in intensive care and the assault on a referee by a schoolboy, amongst other such cases of more than verbal abuse.
It is the land where television commentators fuel the fires of anger with what they say on refe…
But then there is often anger in South Africa - and not only South Africa - when a team loses.
After all this, SA, is the land of Piet van Zyl.
Then there was the referee who was beaten up in a club carpark and ended up in intensive care and the assault on a referee by a schoolboy, amongst other such cases of more than verbal abuse.
It is the land where television commentators fuel the fires of anger with what they say on refe…