Another penalty to UCT - Shimlas may get a team warning, or worse, if they continue

Dugmore gets caught in possession and the Ikeys have to set up the attack from the start again

The visitors set up an attacking line out 7m from the line

Penalty Ikeys as Shimlas stray offsides

Obstruction called by the TMO and the try does not stand and UCT have a penalty

Excellent work by Shimlas as they attack the backline and do so well. There was a suspected case of 'crossing'/obstruction so the try is on hold

Blood Replacement

Shimlas dominating this half and picking up from where they left off in the first. AJ Coertzen has attacked well from depth always hitting the line at pace

UCT under immense pressure at ruck time and Dugmore has sent out a few terrible passes as a result of it and causing more issues as they get pinned behind their advantage line each time

Webb is down for UCT and he looks in serious pain