Kick ahead is fielded by Shimlas and they win a penalty - Game over

Hooter goes with UCT 3m out

Ikeys a few meters short but Shimlas steal it. UCT manage to get them back over their line and earn a 5m scrum

4 minutes to go and the game is all but gone for Ikeys but they will need to finish strong to try and get a bonus point

No knock on by Shimlas and the try stands

White card issued by UCT for a knock on by Shimlas

Shimlas maul pinged for 'Changing Lanes' but they had the advanatge and set up an attacking line out

10 minutes to go as Shimlas miss their line out and UCT have a scrum

Sage attacks the line at pace and is well tackled. Shimlas turn it over 5m from their own line and kick it down town.
UCT scramble in defence and are tackled out on their 5m line to stop conceding another try

UCT looking great on attack but Shimlas get it back only to lose it. UCT eventually caught with ball in hand and Shimlas form a maul - turnover ball