Toulouse looking very promising with ball in-hand. Romain N´Tamack with the line-break but he cant offload to his support runners.
Massive hit by Bastareaud dislodges the ball as the ball is hacked downfield for Kolbe to cleanup.
Free-kick Toulouse! Scrum time seems to be a spot of bother for Toulon. This being the second free-kick from a scrum. Toulouse opt to scrum again.
Toulouse seem to be targeting the ruck area as they once again cause a turnover. Ramos opts to go wide but his pass travels forward, way forward.
Toulouse unfortunately loose possession of the ball through a knock-on.
Toulon manage to get possession of the ball after the 22 drop-out. Toulouse immediately target the ruck area to win a penalty. Ball is kicked to touch to set up a line-out mid 22.
Ramos goes wide with his attempt.
TMO is called for foul play which resulted in the scuffle. Toulouse awarded a penalty. Ramos opts for the kick at goal.
Players on both teams seem to be rather short tempered as a scuffle breaks out between the two sides. This is testament to the importance of this game for either side.
Big work of the Toulouse defence with a counter-ruck.