Half Time Stats
Possession 23% - 77%
Territory 20% - 80%
Time in the opposition 22m 80% - 7%
Time in opposition own half 13% - 59%
Penalty Toulouse! Guilhem Guirado penalized for playing the ball on the ground.
Louis Carbonel gets the second half underway.
Halftime siren sounds as the ball is kicked into touch by Antoine Dupont.
Filipo Nakosi looking rather uncomfortable as he leaves the field.
Toulon win a free-kick at the scrum allowing them to exit their 22.
An overthrow at the line-out results in the ball being knocked forward by Louis Carbonel, gifting Toulouse the right to feed the scrum.
Toulouse Penalty! Florian Fresia cant handle the pressure from Charlie Faumuina. Penalty is kicked to set up a line-out on the 22m line.
Ramos converts from the corner with a brilliant kick.
Feeding off the momentum gained from the N´Tamack break, the ball is sent wide through some slick handling for Yoann Huget to cross in the right corner.