the NRC will help if it keeps going. all is not lost
It will be an interesting season because of the Olympics. It will be even more interesting to see how 7s is looked at by all the rugby boards after Rio.
Aus have only improved because of the lead up to the Olympics. The ARU see the opportunity to big note themselves and have changed focus toward it. It's lucky coming off a decent RWC15 campaign and the Stdney 7s had a strong start too. I hope it does grow the game but to be brutally honest, once the ARU can't milk any more money out of it, I would be shocked to see 7s stay as strong in Australia. Disappointing but true reality of the sport's governing body here.
Cillian Aus has improved this year which is great for the game. I stream the games were I am. I'm not SA but I support the Southern Hem teams. but yes SA vs USA for third
Philip, that's the Plate final (losers of the Cup QFs go into playing the Plate SFs and the winner from those two play in the Plate Final). Your beloved blitzbokkes would be playing in the 3rd place play-off against the other team that lost in the Cup SF. That so happens to be the USA. Then points will be distributed, Fiji and Australia will take 1st and 2nd. Then South Africa might win 3rd place. That'll be nice. Not much silverware but hey, it's something.
Cillian you must be watching a different comp. NZ and Japan are playing.
Ha ha....that is too funny. Too much self belief from another team in the lead has cost them dearly. Not the first time this weekend either!
Ps if commentator dare say anything untoward against kiwis or Aussies he will lose his job. Why risk it. Just say ya to every Kak decision
Well, I don't care what he says. He didn't even play rugby. Just talks Kak. Fact is red was poor standard both ways. Ref should have called he telly footage. Also, he used BOTH arms when he knocked cooper our. Scrum 5 boks. Poor call. We also cost ourselves when winning 6 seconds to go. Hold on. One tackle and kick out.
Seems the South African tv commentator on Sky disagrees with the SA fans here, and he has watched several replays.