And they did it, with the penalty from T. Dolhagaray in the 76th minute and with only 14 men on the field. An incredible finish to a close game.

Third yellow card for Bayonne tonight and they play out the last eight minutes with 14 players.

Bayonne has not won a game at Mayol since August 2010. Can they hold on for the win?

Rebbadj had his hands in the ruck. Penalty to Bayonne.

Amosa goes over for the try but the ref was not convinced so it was referred to the TMO. Try awarded.

Dangerous play by Mikautadze sees him issued a yellow card.

A great pass by M. Halagahu to Ory and over the line he went for the 1st try of the match.(22 mins)

Welcome to the Ultimate Rugby coverage of the match between RC Toulon currently 6th on the table and Bayonne currently 13th in this the Top 14 2020/21, by Mandy Leventis.