A maul from 10 metres out finds it's way over the line and keeps the scores tight.

Lineout to Belgium deep inside their own half aftera gret kick from Portugal.

Constant warnings in the red zone.

Lineout turns to a maul and the maul finds the try line.

Kicked for touch and it's a 5m lineout.

Penalty to Belgium for obstruction in Portugal's half.

Portugal dominated possession towards the end of the first half and are taking controlof the game. Lets see if the visitors will change the momentum.

Vareta breaks through and speeds his way into the 22 before going down, the ball is passed quickly out to Pinto who pops it to Antunes who scores by diving in the corner.

Its been a slow first half in terms of points but both teams have had some good runs but both defenses have been brilliant.

A fantastic run between Vidinha and Pinto beats the final defender and Pinto scores underthe posts.