Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Rebels are under pressure and Hodge runs the ball across the dead ball line and that's full time..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Hooper breaks down the touch line but is tackled..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty Waratahs..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Philip knocks the ball.. scrum Waratahs..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Deegan throws a long pass to To'omua and he manages to make metres..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Harrison kicks a deep restart but Swinton gives a shoulder charge.. Penalty Rebels..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
To'omua opts for the posts and his kick is successful..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty Rebels..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Rebels immediately puts pressure on the Waratahs from the restart..

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Harrison's conversion is successful..