Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Harbour turn it and Gatland clears

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Penalty Stags and they set up an attacking lin eout - Rutledge mauls it up

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
MAssive scrum by NH and they win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Li kicks it too far and it goes over the dead ball line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Stags 5 phases in and Dowsett clears

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Southland in huge trouble at the back as they get swamped by defence who rip the ball from 5m out and score
Dom P.
Sep 9
Haha for real

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Brilliant break by Duffie and his long legs take him away from the defence. He sends a great pass in to Hall who over runs it and knocks

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Penalty Southland as one of the NH players did not have a mouth guard

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Mistake by the Stags off that 22 restart and NH have a scrum on half way