Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Loooooool!!! Nice one Pumas!!!

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Tapped and booted out of play by Albornoz and that will be the ball game as Arg claim a famous victory, just their third ever over the All Blacks

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Penalty for Arg and that will do it

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Arg looking to run out the clock

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Into the final minute

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Arg keep it tight

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Eight point ball game as McKenzie restarts, Arg secure

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Drop goal attempt is short but it's back for the penalty for the tackler not rolling away and they will kick for goal

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Arg have advantage

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Overthrown and Arg have it