Ultimate Rugby
May 5
SF finally get on the board after a long passage of play and Daguin grabs the 5 pointer

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
10 minutes to play

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
SF attack and Vito intercepts, bringing to a halt another attempt

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Lyon and Montpellier are drawing at 17 points each, this is great news for La Rochelle

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Knock on SF

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
La Rochelle immense on defence

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
SF held up - Scrum to the visitors

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Huge carry by Alberts as he comes within a meter of scoring

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Nayacalevu pierces the La Rochelle defensive line

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Penalty La Rochelle and James finds touch