Ioane takes Papier's box kick, takes it up before Highlanders kick to the corner. Pollard is back to clear to his 10m
Bulls take it up past half way after Highlanders kicks down field
Pollard kicks off the 2nd half
Highlanders lead at half time, but the Bulls are very much in this. Highlanders had most of the possession but constant turnover let the Bulls off. Bulls gathered themselves and got back into the game and will go into the 2nd half knowing anyone can take this
Highlanders eventually knock on out wide. That's half time
Li goes back to collect, takes it up and offloads to Coltman up to the 5m
Highlanders up to the 5m
Ball over the top to McKay who just cant get away
Highlanders have a free kick. Li takes it up
Highlanders have a scrum right o halfway, on the Bulls 22m