Ulster get a penalty and out it in the corner but Rob Herring throws the ball not straight and Glasgow can clear.
Ulster try an attack but are penalised at breakdown for holding on. Glasgow clear their lines.
Driving maul from Glasgow, Tommy Seymour joins at the back, spins off the back of the maul and manages to bundle his way over. Finn Russell's conversion is brilliant from the touch line and Glasgow now lead by 11! 20-9 to Glasgow.
Try Glasgow!! Tommy Seymour!
Glasgow trying a driving maul. Yards from the line now.
Glasgow well on top but can't get over the line. They win another penalty and don't go for the posts again! Into the corner Glasgow go.
Glasgow win another penalty at the breakdown inside the Ulster 22 and will go for the corner.
Glasgow back in the Ulster half and are applying all the pressure.
Kick is successful and its now 13-9 to Glasgow.
Sean Doyle penalised for playing the ball on the floor and is sent to the bin for Ulster. Penalty about 35 metres out and Glasgow will opt for posts.