Stoppage in play with multiple players on the ground.

Grigg pounces on a loose ball. Thomson pops the kick into the Benetton 22. Allan gets back and puts in an excellent return kick. Ollie Smith runs it back on the counter before Thomson finds a great touch just 5m out from the Benetton tryline.

Tagive is down after a big hit. A head on head collision. Benetton continue to attack

Big scrum from Benetton and they force the turnover.

A knock on by Benetton at the lineout and Glasgow have the feed.

Glasgow clear straight from the kick off with Lee Jones finding touch on halfway.

Thomson will have a crack at goal.

Another penalty for a high tackle and Fergusson tries the kick through. It doesn't come off and we comeback for the penalty.

Thomson finds Tagive with a wonderful cross kick. Glasgow on the front with advantage over.

Fergusson intercepts a pass from the Benetton attack and is wrapped up immediately. Glasgow over halfway. They have the advantage.