Horne clears after the lineout and he finds touch on his 10m line. Good kick from the scrumhalf

Glasgow have the lineout 5m from their line

Tavuyara is tackled into touch.

Benetton continue to knock at the door deep in the 22.

Benetton set up the drive before sending it out.

Benetton going through the phases well but there is no advantage and we comeback for the penalty.

Petrozzi is smashed at the back of the lineout. Benetton hold onto possession. They attack with a penalty advantage. Zanon makes good ground.

Petrozzi box kicks and Tagive spills with a Glasgow player touching it in front of him. Penalty to Benetton and Allan finds touch over the Glasgow 10

Thomson gets us underway.

The two sides make their way out and we are moments away from kick off.