Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Back for the Exeter penalty at the scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Hogg gets it out to Nowell on the right up to the 22

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Joe Simmonds restarts, it's scrappy and accidental offside gives Exeter the scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Just the response Saints needed

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Flat ball from Fish to Dingwall running a superb line hitting it at pace and he steps the final defender to score

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Holding on and Saints win the penalty, Biggar sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Exeter in full control now as Biggar restarts

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Hill carries and reaches over for the score

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Exeter keep it tight just short of the line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Holding on and Exeter win the penalty, Joe Simmonds pops it into the corner