
Prinsloo scores off the back of a maul - the final nail in the coffin. A minute later, the final whistle blows, and Blues' heads dip in disappointment whilst the Cheetahs rejoice. They have secured a place in the playoff for the first time in their history, and will enjoy a by-week next week. Bad news for Sharks and Stormers, who are now unable to catch up with this Cheetah outfit. Thanks for joining us, see you next time.

But eventually the Blues' defences give way - Blues get their hands on possession and boot the ball downfield, desperate to relieve pressure. But Pretorius collect and launches the counter attack, scything through a wall of Blue before touching down.

All Cheetahs in the last ten minutes. Blues just about dealing with this prolonged assault on their lines..

Second Half Stat: 64% of possession for the Cheetahs, and 34% for the Blues.

A lazy Cheetah player fails to roll away at the breakdown, and slows a fast-paced Blues attack. Referee spots it and awards the penalty - Kerr steps up and converts to points

Cheetahs have moved to more of a defesive role this half, looking to protect their lead rather than extend it - whilst the Blues are creating more and more opportunities. No points yet, but Blues looking promising in attack.

Thrilling last five minutes - Le Roux and Ranger making some terrific breaks, bringing play from one end to the other. Blues have thirty minutes to scrape back this nine point deficit and keep their play-off hopes alive..