Bulls attack in Griquas half and Pollard kicks and Ndugane collects and scores!
Bulls on the attack but Griquas get hold of the ball.
Griquas driving it up and they running it down the right touch line. They putting a few phases together just before the half way line.
Basson scores a hat trick! He runs down the left touch line and scores! His 50th try for the Bulls.
Another dominant Bulls scrum on Griquas try line but Griquas get the ball away.
Dominant Bulls scrum again and they get a penalty.
Dominant scrum by the Bulls and they run from deep. Basson runs down the left hand touch line and pass it in. In the end the final pass from Kriel to Ndugane is forward just before Griquas 22m.
Bulls running at Griquas again but they get penalised in their half for holding on to the ball.
Paige passes to Basson and he scores in the left hand corner.
Bulls run it over Griquas 22m and they keep putting the phases together and Stegman runs for the left hand corner but is tackled out just!