TURNOVER after a fumble, Ravouvou claims the ball and takes it over half way. The last pass to Narawa lands short but he manages to pick it up and runs 35m to score

They steal a line out and chip ahead, Turbo's counter and then lose it

BoP looking to bring up the fifty

The Steamers attack out left of the scrum and the Steamers are cruising into the Finals

Massive scrum and the Turbo's splinter. Matenga powers over and is nearly held up but manages to ground the ball

Penalty and Steamers set up an attacking line out. Great line out maul set and they score their 3rd

Counter attack from a deep 22m restart. Narawa and Karpik involved and a pop to Ravouvou sees him cruise through a gap

Solid scrum and 2 great flat passes puts Narawa in space off a great run, the defenders can't touch him as he cruises through the gap

Steamers take the ball off the restart and win a scrum after 4 phases

Early penalty to the Turbo's and they get the kicking tee