The Wallabies are awarded with a penalty and that ends the match!
FT: Australia 27-8 Argentina

Australia are awarded with a scrum penalty and clear it for touch over their ten metre line. They win the subsequent lineout

Argentina clear the ball downfield where Australia are awarded with a scrum on their 22

The hosts get into the Argentina 22 but the Pumas turn it over and are trying to get it out now

Argentina steal the ball in the lineout and clear it downfield, only for Australia to push it back over their ten metre line

Australia win their lineout and Argentina then find themselves off their feet at the breakdown. O'Connor clears for the Argentinian 22

Argentina turn the ball over and clear their lines

Australia gather extraordinarily well with Kellaway making another break from the halfway to get to five metres out. Australia playing on the five metre line now

Patience was key for Australia as they continuously applied the pressure against the Pumas on their line. A final good move and gap creation allowed Kellaway to dart over the line for another try for his nation!

Australia push towards the Argentinian line. Five metres out now!