WHITE CARD - Maties appealing that scintillating try from Tuks.
Thomson manages to clear the ball out, into the stands. And that is half time.
Tuks 29 - 8 Maties.
Tuks lose their composure close to the Maties try line. Maties scrum feed.
That Tuks try is their fourth for the game which results in a bonus point. Tuks 29 - 8 Maties.
Another line out for Tuks, 5m out from the Maties try line.
Maties concede at scrum time for pushing on the angle. Tuks line out just over half way line.
Maties taking a page from the Tuks play book by being patient in their phase play, but they come up short as they enter the Tuks 22m. Tuks scrum
Tuks fullback, Matthews goes down in a heap as he lands awkwardly in a tackle. The ref blows for time off.
Hugo try came once again from a patient phase play from Tuks. Maties have no answers for the strong running forwards from Pretoria at the moment.