Begles hold out and win the penalty from the scrum and the ball launched into the crowd as the home side celebrate. Both sides can take great pride in their performances as it was a true show of character, determination and commitment. Lyon leave the game with the knowledge that the game could so easily have been theirs on a different day. Thank you for following todays game on the Ultimate Rugby app and we hope you join us for further games!

Yet again the scrum is reset as the Buzzer sounds to tell the referee that the 80 minutes are up.

A real test of character here as the final two minutes of the game sees the scrum reset for a fourth time, both front rows struggling to keep themselves up.

Yet again the Begles defence refuses another score as the ball is held up and a 5 meter scrum for the restart.

The Television Match Official has plenty of work tonight as he reviews whether Lyon have grounded the ball off a well executed line out move.

Poirot receives some treatment for a cut above his right eye, but it seems like nothing serious and he rejoins the scrum on the halfway line, Lyon feed.

Outcry as the ball is held up, Lyon win the subsequent scrum and kick the ball far up the field to relieve the pressure.

Both teams showing unbelievable commitment here as they pile into the maul, Bordeaux make good yards off their maul and cross the line, the grounding of the ball is being checked upstairs by the TMO.

TRY! LaCroix cuts a lovely line, slicing the Lyon defence open and glides over the line, Beauxis converts extending the lead.

However now is not the time, Bonnefond is caught not releasing the ball and Begles relieve some pressure with a kick to touch.