The hooter sounds and Shimlas kick the ball out to book their place in the Varsity Cup final.

Shimlas are closing the match out with a series of pick up and drives. Seconds remaining in the match.

Maqina shows some incredible pace to get to the ball after Marais puts a kick in for the corner from the halfway line. Replays show that he butchered the try as he placed the ball down before the line before losing control of it.

Shimlas look to have scored a try to seal the victory for the home side, but the ref wants to check if the Winger was in front of Niel Marais before he put the kick up field.

Seals puts in a chip kick inside his own 22m and Kruger holds back UCT's Schwikkard as he chases it. Penalty to UCT who set up a lineout near halfway.

Blood bin reversal

Xoli is sent to the naughty chair after he does not roll away at the ruck and the ref loses patience.

What a turn around, Shimlas demolish the UCT pack in the scrum and win a tighthead. Shimlas on the attack inside the 22m area. A try now would surely secure the victory.

Just over 10 minutes remaining.

Blood bin