Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Misailegalu takes a pass from inside his half, goes on a great run up to the 22 after bumping a few tackles. He looks for O Malley but he cant hold on

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto have some confidence now as they take it up past halfway

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Ref warned Utah about the scrum penalties, this time follows through as he gives a penalty try

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Big scrum and a penalty to the hosts

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto get a scrum on the 5m

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto set up a maul

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Malcolm puts it in the corner

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Penalty to Toronto outside the 22

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Lost forward on halfway by Toronto

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Toronto clear to half way, but Utah take it into touch