Full time and Southland manage to get their first win of the Championship. It wasnt pretty but a win is a win for Southland. 20-16 the end score, a slight scare near the end when Southland got a yellow card with 10 minutes to go and then with Waikato capitalising from this and getting a try, but the home team stayed strong in defence and let nothing steal their lead. Make sure to check back here soon where the highlights will be uploaded onto the match homepage.

Southland defending for the last 10 minutes and now theres a scrum just on Southlands 10 metre line to Waikato

Waikato back in the game with a try through substitute winger. They capitalise on the penalty from the yellow card and spin the ball wide and the open space is used and the gap is narrowed to 1 point for the final ten minute

Tyler Adams watches the next 10 from the sideline as he knocks the ball out of his opposition's hand.

Southland still 8 points clear find themselves once again defending their try line from strong attack by Waikato

Ball dropped by Waikato and Southland make us of this and turf the ball clear up the field and find themselves with a lineout on Waikato's 22

Waikato back on the attack and make use of their wingers who try run rings around the defence.

A dodgy pass from the back of the scrum and the scrum is reset this time Southlands put in

A few fumbles and we are brought down to scrum on the halfway line

Both sides making changes, lets see can these change the game play