They are pushed back and England gain possession. Katy Daley_McLean decides, enough of the cold and kicks the ball out to finish off England's dominant win. An improvement though for Scotland who were beaten by England last year 80-0. Full Time 0-53

Scotland scrum inside their half.

Yet another break in play as two more players appear to have come off badly from a collision.

Try England, Claudia Mac Donald 77th min.Great work from replacement scrum-half Claudia MacDonald as she reacts immediately to a mistake from Scotland, kicking the ball forward and diving down onto it for England's eighth try. Scarratt coverts and takes over as England Women's leading points-scorer.

5 mins left for Scotland to get on the scoreboard.

Amelia Harper - strapping to her head. Louise McMillan goes off with big bump over her right eye.

Referee stops play for injuries 74th min.

England concede another penalty on the floor and Scotland are inside their 22.

Not so easy seeing the players now through the thick snow. Helen Nelson kicks through but no one is chasing. Scotland advantage so they go back for a penalty.

The snow is settling on the pitch. Conditions are really bad now.