The Scot's show great heart and score a great try for the crowd, all started by Gregor. Canada through to their first ever Cup Final

Canada knock on but time is up and Scotland won't win this but will push for a try

Moonlight tackled into touch a meter out

Scotland must score twice in a minute to win this game

Massive hit on Jones but the Scot was offside. Mack taking the points

Canada score and Phil Mack goes over. Braid picks from the base of a ruck and doubles back on himself as he spots the gap. Pops to Mack in contact

Scotland stretched as Canada attack but they feel the pressure too as a forward pass is thrown

No Try as he knee just just just touched the line before grounding the ball.

This is a massive arm wrestle. TMO pending for try

Very physical start to the game as both sides are aware how dangerous it would be to make a mistake