Overthrow as Hollis runs hard up to his 22m
Penalty at the lineout. Playing the man in the air. Kick to the corner
Kings straight off their feet at the ruck. Jones finds touch on the 22m
Good patience from Scarlets as they get their bonus point try. Scarlets go through the phases with several pick and drives. Cassiem finishes as he is driven over the line
Good tackle from Bholi on his 5m
Scarlets win a penalty from the scrum.
Scarlets knock after the lineout. Not the start Davis would have wanted
Scarlets charge down then kick into the Kings 22m. Cronje is back and does brilliantly as he collects on his line and takes it up to the 22m before Kings can clear
Good kick from O Brien as he pins Kings inside their 22m
Scarlets win another penalty at the breakdown. Jones kicks too long