Burton gets the second half underway!
Need to spread wide to young Jordan Williams! The next Shane Williams ?!

Referee calls half time here at the Parc y Scarlets. The first half has been dominated by ill discipline from both sides with the elements also playing its part. Its an even game so far with both sides defence being the best part of their game but the scarlets have shown more threat in attack looking to spread it wide when possible. Stay with us for more commentary and analysis of the 2nd half!!

Aled Thomas misses a kick at goal as he tries to use the wind from the half way but his kick drops just short!

Referee Matthew Carley has a stern word with both captains here as hes getting a bit fed up with the ill discipline!

Burtons kick falls short again. the elements really playing their part here.

The dragons get another penalty and Chris Burton opts for the posts again. Both sides disciplines causing them problems at the moment!

Aled Thomas stretches the Scarelts lead to 6-0

Another penalty now for the scarlets in front of the Dragons posts. Should be a formality for Thomas

Chris Burton elects to have a shot t goal after the Scarlets give away a penalty for holding on but the former treviso man leaves his kick just short.