The siren has sounded here at U Arena

Montpellier are caught offside and Racing receive a penalty as they kick for touch

Racing 92 take the lead with two minutes to go!

The Racing 92 scrum is successful and the ball gets sent to Chavancy who takes the ball over the line to bring Racing 92 to within one point of their opponents

Du Plessis comes in from the side of the ruck and receives a yellow card for repeated infringements

Racing now moving closer and closer to the line as they receive another penalty but Machenaud tries to go alone and goes down

Racing receive a penalty as Montpellier fail to release in the tackle

Racing win the ball in the lineout and maul it to take it over the line. The ball isn't grounded and the ref takes the ball back tn a previous offside call

The ref decides that the tackle is only worth a penalty and Dulin kicks the ball out for touch

Racing 92 are on the attack but Chavancy gets a tackled by Nagusa. The ref calls for a TMO decision to see if the tackle was dangerous