Fritzpatrick knocks from the kick off

Brilliant lineout move from as Dempsey peals away and takes it down the short side. He finds Fritzpatrick who then finds hopper who is tackled short. Faulker then crashes over from close range

Hunt stabs a kick to the corner. Green is back for it but is well tackled by Maddocks as Green is forced into touch on the 22m

Penalty to the Waratahs on the 22m. Beale will line up a shot

Penalty to the Waratahs at the scrum. Beale finds touch on the 22m

Lions go wide to Ulengo. He looks to kick ahead but the bounce takes it into touch

Jantjies does brilliantly in his 22m before putting Green away

Green collects a chip kick from Harrison on halfway. Lions look to go wide but cant hold on

Beale makes a complete mess of his kick from in front