Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Queenlands Country Clear the ball to Win the Game

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
QLD Country get a scrum and are attacking with the forward on the Eagles 22 meter line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
QLD country loss the ball on the 10 meter line but it gets knocked on by the Eagles

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Queensland break through the line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
QLD Country still on the attack but the ball was taken into touch

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
scrum to QLD Country on the 22 meter line and they swing it down the line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Eagles give away penalty on there 22 meter line

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Nws eagles are on the attack they go for the up and under then give away a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
QLD Country win the Scrum and clear the ball out

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
eagles with a up and under to get them over the 10 meter line but lost forward