Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Held up in the tackle, maul called, use it or lose it and that will be the ball game as Ireland u20 march into the Final of the World Rugby u20 Championship.

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Planned overthrow to van Heerden

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Tackler not rolling away, penalty SA and Smith kicks for the corner

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
SA have advantage

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Ireland look to maul but obstruction gives SA the penalty and they tap and go

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Khan chips ahead and it rolls into touch

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
It's gone forward at the lineout, scrum SA

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
19 point ball game as Lynch restarts onto Smith who clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
le Roux muscles over from close range

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Penalty SA and they tap and go with de Villiers