Knock on by the Rebels having tapped the high ball. Scrum to the Highlanders just inside the Rebels half

Powell clears high.

Powell chips over the top.Ioane fields it. Kick through from the Landers.

Rebels grab the overthrown lineout. Rebels get it wide quickly.

Penalty to the Highlanders. Collins getting over the ball well. Hunt finds touch from the penalty. Highlanders lineout on the left hand side on the Rebels 22

Ili carries in midfield. Rebels up to halfway

Rebels have turned the table controlling almost 80 percent of the possession over the last five minutes.

Frizell taps the lineout down to Smith. Nareki carries. Highlanders look to get it wide but Hunt's pass goes forward and into touch

Hunt restarts. Rebels secure the ball and run two phases from deep before Powell clears.

Great play from the Rebels as they whip it wide to Koroibete. He steps inside and manages to dot down out wide.