Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Immediate response from Pretheroe as the Bears manage to score from kick off

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Great team try by the home side as they manage to switch play between forwards and backs and eventually its Mulchrone who gets on to the end of many passes.

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Strizaker taking the ball to the left side

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Knock on by Garcia, 5 metres out

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Mulchrone takes the penalty quickly

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Harlequins with a penalty advantage as they enter the opposition 22

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Bristol coming once again.

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Bristol crash it up on half way

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
The post denies Herron. 3 out of 4 tonight

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
20 minutes left and still no score between these two sides in the second half