Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
du Plessis lines up the shot at goal and a chance to draw the match

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Huge scrum to Toulon and they win the penalty and a chance to level it up with time up on the clock

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Final move of the match

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Brive look to keep it tight as Marais carries, pick and drive takes off a few more seconds, unplayable, scrum to Brive

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Free kick to Brive, they elect to scrum again with one minute to play

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Maul called, use it or lose it, scrum to Brive

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Kicked deep, strong carry sees Toulon up to halfway

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
du Plessis restarts, Brive keep it tight looking to take some time off the clock

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Illegal scrummaging

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Scrum penalty to Brive, huge scrum by the hosts