That was an amazing game of rugby. Both teams deserved the win but Ireland just a little more. This series has fully restored my faith in Australian rugby, and it was great to see them seriously compete against the Irish who are inarguably one of the two best teams in the world at the moment.
gumdrops you know we are going to beat SA in next world cup. just like Japan did. Lol
Well done, Ireland.
Ireland deserved the win. Australia have a dynamic attacking play that will serve them well but unless the patch the numerous holes in their defence and their auful discipline then they won't go anywhere. The game has evolved and if people like gumdrops thinks teams should pass up on free points then you obviously don't understand the game. Team with the most points at the end win. full stop.
Gummy, are you a little racist??
We Irish don’t discriminate and we embrace modern professional rugby. Hence why we are ranked 2nd and Wallabies are now 5th.
Go to sleep now. It’s time for your nap
Agreed, and I think we can all also agree that this was not a game to slander either side as both side did not get the chance to play go forward rugby because there was too much interference from the ref. I really hope this isn’t the platform for RWC ‘19
Also even Ireland’s coach isn’t Irish
Ireland is an importer nation
Like a said Australia is a feeder nation
The Australians under the current leadership are bad. Unfortunately they know the reason and the coaching team must sort it all out otherwise they will be down to the level of Italy or some such team.