Full time from Kingston Park and the home side have cruised to victory 28-0. Although both sides made many mistakes Newcastle just had too much for Bucharest tonight. Thanks for following with Ultimate Rugby

Godman adds the conversion to make it 28-0. 5 mins left to get the 4th try

TRY Falcons! Tom Catterick goes over for his sides 3rd try of the evening after being set up by Chris York

Constantin Pristavita is only on the pitch a minute and be becomes the second Bucharest player to be binned

A winning bonus point would be important to them tonight as they battle with Brive for top spot in the group

Falcons should make use of the extra man to put points on the board

Paula Kinikinilau is sent to the bin.

Clegg gets the first score of the second half. It has been a very scrappy start to the half

Bucharest have made a couple of substitutions as they look to get their opening score

Second half has been uneventful so far with both sides making mistakes