Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Congrats to Wales for winning a tough wet game

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Hooter has gone

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Overlap for the Pumas and they don't pass it

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
40 seconds left and Argentina are still in possession

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Argentina on attack as Muller takes it up field.

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Luke Morgan with so much pace as he outruns the Pumas defence from a huge kick ahead

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Wales on attack after plenty of kicking from both sides. Wales win a penalty, take it quickly and Morgan goes over with a Super Man dive

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Wales rushing up on defence putting the Pumas under pressure in this wet weather

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Argentina using plenty of kicks and Wales can't contain the ball and Tuculet dives on it rolls away and scores

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Jenkins puts in a high tackle after a switch pass caught him flat footed