Castres now win their line out, drive then boot the ball into touch.

Krocket injecting some pace into the game with a quick tap penalty.

End to end stuff but the ball has been knocked on by both sides. Toulouse scrum.

Counter attack from the turn over go wide. Lassalle breaks and Urdapiletta throws a wide pass to Alexandre Bias to score.

Castres trun over and break down wide. Urdapiletta passes wide.

Toulouse attacking at the halfway, Ramos chips through and Smith comes back with the ball. The game has lost lots of scructure and become very loose.

After a build up of pressure the ball is grubbered through and Ramos collects it over the white wash.

The maul is well defended and the Castres defence are very quick off the line. Toulouse with advantage 5 meters out.

Toulouse win a penalty and kick to the 5 meter.

From a Toulouse attack on the 5 meter the ball is intercepted and booted long. Armand Batlle gathers the ball and offloads and Afusipa Taumoepeau scores against the run of play.